Sustainability, Charity, and Community: BNS’s Approach to Corporate Social Responsibility

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a significant aspect of many businesses, and BNS is no exception. At BNS, we believe that conducting business in a socially responsible manner is essential to creating a sustainable future. Our CSR initiatives are based on three pillars: charity, sustainability, and community, and we are committed to making a positive impact through each of them.

Our sustainability initiatives aim to minimise our environmental footprint and contribute to the fight against climate change. We recognise that our business operations have an impact on the environment, and we are committed to reducing this impact. One way we are doing this is through our paper-free initiative, which incentivises our clients to opt for digital-only correspondence. For every person who chooses to go paper-free, we plant a tree, and we will plant an additional 1,000 trees once we reach our goal of 75% paper-free clients. By doing this, we hope to reduce our carbon footprint and contribute to a more sustainable future.

In addition to our sustainability initiatives, we are committed to supporting charitable organisations that align with our values. One way we are doing this is through our sponsorship of Unicornfest, a summer-long sculpture trail in Bristol that raises money and awareness for Leukaemia Care. We are proud to sponsor the Neuro-Disco-Corn, a unicorn that highlights neurodiversity and raises awareness around the unique strengths and obstacles that come with it. By supporting Unicornfest, we are able to contribute to a worthy cause while also promoting community engagement.

We also recognise the importance of supporting our local community. That’s why we have implemented a food bank donation initiative, where our staff are encouraged to contribute non-perishable food items to a station set up in our offices. The food items collected are then donated to local food bank, Ignite Life, providing essential support to individuals and families in need. We believe that every small action can make a big difference in someone’s life, and we are committed to doing our part to create a positive impact in the world.

Finally, we are committed to building strong, supportive communities. One way we are doing this is by working with Clifton College on an art project to help them utilise the unicorn foals donated by Unicornfest and funded by BNS. This project involves children creating unique unicorn decoration ideas. By supporting this project, we are able to engage with the community and promote creativity and imagination in children.

CSR is a vital aspect of BNS’s business operations. We believe that conducting business in a socially responsible manner is essential to creating a sustainable future. Our CSR initiatives are based on three pillars: charity, sustainability, and community, and we are committed to making a positive impact through each of them. We hope to inspire other businesses to take similar steps and work towards a better, more sustainable future.
