Neuro-Disco-Corn: Acknowledging and Celebrating Neurodiversity During Mental Health Awareness Week, Sponsored by BNS

This week is (15th-21st May 2023) is Mental Health Awareness Week. BNS is proud to get behind this event. We believe in celebrating the differences that make us unique and fostering a society that embraces acceptance and well-being. As part of our commitment to mental health, BNS is sponsoring the Unicornfest sculpture: Neuro-Disco-Corn. This is an extraordinary unicorn sculpture that carries a vital message on neurodiversity.

Embracing Neurodiversity: The Neuro-Disco-Corn, designed and currently being created by artist Kazz Hollick, captivates with its dazzling mirror ball tiles that reflect light and spark the imagination. Beyond its visual splendor, this unicorn symbolises the acceptance of neurodiversity. With its powerful message, “Your brain might work differently, and that’s okay,” the Neuro-Disco-Corn encourages us all to embrace and celebrate our unique minds. At BNS, we proudly support this important cause, as we believe that true inclusivity means acknowledging and appreciating the differences that so many individuals live with.

The Impact of Mental Health Awareness Week: Mental Health Awareness Week provides a platform for open conversations about mental well-being, challenging stigma, and promoting self-care and support. It serves as a reminder that mental health is just as important as physical health. BNS recognises the significance of this week and understands the importance of fostering a supportive environment for mental health.

Unicornfest and the Neuro-Disco-Corn: Unicornfest, a captivating charity sculpture trail being held in Bristol over the summer of 2023, offers a unique opportunity to engage the community, celebrate art, and support a worthy cause. BNS is delighted to sponsor the Neuro-Disco-Corn as part of this event. Standing tall at two meters, this enchanting unicorn sculpture dazzles with its mirror ball tiles, drawing attention to the importance of neurodiversity. By participating in Unicornfest, BNS aims to bring smiles to the faces of all who encounter the magical herd while raising funds for Leukaemia Care, a fantastic charity dedicated to supporting individuals affected by leukemia.

Stay tuned for more news on the Neuro-Disco-Corn this week! Kazz Hollick is currently hard at work, bedazzling the unicorn with thousands of mirror ball tiles. We cant wait to share more updates with you!

Promoting Acceptance and Well-Being: At BNS, through our sponsorship of the Neuro-Disco-Corn, we hope to inspire conversations around neurodiversity and mental health. We encourage everyone to visit Unicornfest, explore the sculpture trail, and embrace the message of acceptance and celebration of differences.

During Mental Health Awareness Week, BNS is proud to sponsor the Neuro-Disco-Corn at Unicornfest 2023, promoting acceptance, celebrating neurodiversity, and supporting the well-being of individuals. Join us in championing acceptance and well-being during Mental Health Awareness Week and beyond.
